Dumpster Pad Cleaning in Greensboro, NC

Dumpster pads are an essential part of your facility, keeping your dumpsters separate from other ground on the property. These pads inevitably get dirty as the months go by, and the smell can be overwhelming. Dumpster pad cleaning ensures that your property remains clean, functional, and beautiful.

Your business, office building, or community is bound by local statutes governing the property’s cleanliness, and your residents, tenants, or employees deserve a space that is free of debris and waste. We clean on your schedule, and we address problem areas at your request.

At Diamond Pro Wash, we help with this process, and we provide services no matter the scale of the dumpster area or how long it’s been since your last cleaning. We offer value for the money and warranty options that keep your property in perfect condition.
Dumpster Pad Cleaning Greensboro NC

Why Use Our Services?

Dumpster pad cleaning is a difficult task to complete for anyone, and they are not the crown jewel of your property. The dumpsters, however, play a role in the overall design of the property. Whether you like it or not, residents, tenants, and visitors see your dumpsters and make judgments about the value, security, or even worthiness of the property as a result. 

Dirty dumpster pads also cause damage to the pavement, and that damage can spread to the parking lots, sidewalks, and even building foundations. Your business might face costly disruptions that interrupt your staff and reduce profits.

Dumpster Pad Cleaning Greensboro NC

A Few More Things You Should Know

As a property owner or manager, you are liable for slips and falls around the dumpsters. Liquids such as oil can leak from the dumpsters, and standing water might cause injuries after tenants or residents fall. Dumpster pad cleaning also removes layers of slippery gunk that build up.

Dirty dumpsters attract pests, and the debris lingering under or around the dumpster makes the situation worse. No one wants to use the dumpsters if there are rodents and insects everywhere. You might also face a citation from the local health department because the rodent and insect population could spread throughout the property. 

Dumpsters will develop an odor over time, but that odor dissipates as your trash collector empties the dumpsters every week. Refuse left on the ground produces an even worse odor fed by rain, bright light, and bacteria. The dumpsters become hazardous for everyone’s health, and the smell might spread across the property. You could receive complaints, lose tenants, or endure yet another visit from the health department. 

Get Your Dumpsters Cleaned Today

Contact us today at Diamond Pro Wash to get a free consultation and quote for dumpster pad cleaning. Call us at 336-891-2249 or email us at Richard@336wash.com. Read reviews from our happy customers and learn how we stand out amongst the competition. With 24 hour service and a 100% satisfaction guarantee, our insured and friendly team keeps your dumpster pads in perfect condition. 

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